Happy Eighth Birthday, Jacob!
It was my older son's birthday on Saturday. Jacob turned eight.
We had a party on Saturday for him and four of his school friends and his two Melbourne cousins (and other relatives) involving a round of mini-golf and then a birthday picnic at the park. We then had a late BBQ lunch for the family after. It was a pretty busy day, as you can imagine. And exhausting.
The cake and treats certainly made up for any frustration though.
In all, I believe Jacob enjoyed himself. He even said so.
With sheets of plywood and lengths of timber, glue, screws, sandpaper, a borrowed electric drill and a great deal of elbow grease, sweat, occasional swearing and good planning, we managed to get it finished last night just after dinner. It still needs quite a few finishing touches, including a paint job, but it gives Jacob the chance to set up the tracks and run his train, which he's enjoying a lot.
Happy birthday, son! It is amazing to think that it has been eight years since I witnessed your birth and you came into our lives. Smitten as only new father can be, I marvelled at how amazing you were. And you continue to amaze me. Your mother and I really didn't have much of a real idea what we were in for when you were born, but it has sure been an amazing adventure.
I love you, and I hope your life continues to be an amazing adventure!
I had mine for years, last I saw it was at my parents place gathering dust under the house - home itself to several leaf tailed geckos inhabiting the space between the board and the wall
He is gorgeous, Mark.
My boy is also of the cheeky curly-haired variety. Aren't they wonderful?
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