Walking with purpose

It was also a chance to make a statement in protest against the Howard Government's dismantling of the potential for Indigenous engagement and participation in the political, social and economic processes and decision making in Australia. And to condemn their derailing of Reconciliation in our country.
It was so good to see that we weren't the only ones.

Only time will tell if it is as significant as the speakers at the start insisted it was.

As you can see in the photo at the top, the walk was long - it snaked far ahead of us and almost extended right around the park!
Here, here and here are some media about it.
Oh, and these are my 'Photo(s) of the Day' for yesterday and Saturday (Days 3 and 4), 'cos I was so tired when I got back, I didn't get round to blogging them! And, Saturday was a wash out...
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